The Whisper Chronicals

'The Trials of a Modern Office'

  • The Book
  • The Author
  • The Praise
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  • I'm sure most people are aware of the backstabbing and bitchyness that goes on in most modern offices. If you happen to work in the perfect office then you are one of the lucky few. Or are you? That would be really boring wouldn't it? What would you gossip and moan about on those rainy smoke breaks. (gotta love employers that don't provide you any shelter!) There is nothing better than a good old bitch about those annoying collegues to brighten up your day. So you may ask, 'What is the purpose of all this?'. Well it is a humourous approach to dealing with those little things that bother you in the office.

    Introducing Nemo, Nile and Nina, aka the Geek squad