Denice Yin-Yang
living in her little
yin-yang world
Hi there!
(Nay Ho?)
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Greetings from beautiful San Francisco. A nice place to visit and definitely a very nice place to live in. I would especially like to say "Hi" to all my Asian Sisters.
The Yin-Yang symbol, widely known as the sign for balance and harmony, is also sometimes known as the symbol for Tai-Chi, from the Book of I-Ching or the Book of Changes, which is the foundation of Chinese philosophy.
YIN represents the feminine nature of the spirit.
YANG represents the masculine nature of the spirit.
The Yin-Yang symbol portrays them as equally important, each depending upon each other to keep the symbol circular.
"The past is gone and the future might not even be. The only thing we ever experience is the now. I try to enjoy the moment."
"Life does not HAVE TO be perfect to be wonderful."
Yin-Yang Adventures With Denice
Halloween Parties (1998-2004)
Esprit (May 2004)
Folsom Street Fair (September 2001)
California Dreamin' (April 2001)
TGSF Cotillion (February 2001)
In Memory of a Sister
Karen Anne Vix
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