Hello, my name, for the purposes of this anonymous web site, is Daniel, and I am a female-to-male transsexual attracted to men only. I've known I was this way since before age 8. I am currently 20 years old, and have been living as a male since my 19th birthday. I have my family and friend's full support (no kidding), and started on testosterone patches back in April of 1999. I should be getting chest surgery this summer, if the bastard psychiatrists let me. (yes, I'm a bit bitter ;)

Passing Tips I'm glad I figured out on my own

  • thin fabrics are out, especially on windy days

  • layering isn't as helpful as alot of people seem to believe. In my case it only made my hips look bigger and drew attention to my misshapen chest. I prefer baggy zip up jackets halfway zipped up (with elastic at the waist) and slimming dark blue jeans. "Classic" brand DARK blue jean (about $11 at Walmart)are a perfect fit for someone with less-than-ideal hips and thighs. Very male-looking.

  • If you wear glasses, consider "buddy holly" frames or the ones shown below as opposed to the popular wire ones. The wire ones look more unisex or feminine. Anyway, geeks are cool :)

  • VERY IMPORTANT the binders sold on the internet are CRAP (in my experience) and control top pantyhose are flimsy, painful, and not very effective. I found an excellent alternative in a drug store: abdominal binders. They're a simple design and flatten better and less noticably than anything else I've seen. I don't know how I would have ever passed so well without one. They cost about $18 and should be washed as needed in the sink or gentle cycle with "Dreft" or similar gentle detergent. You simply wrap the binder around your chest (diagram below) slightly off center (if you center it just in front of your armpit, it's very unnoticable), and be careful to line up the velcro well so the hooks don't chaff at the top or bottom.

  • WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING YOU MUST READ THIS The prosthetic available here is a piece of CRAP, not to mention incredibly expensive. I have received emails from more than one person reporting defects in their prosthetic (including one person who's prosthetic ripped open 4 months after he bought it). For 500 dollars, this prosthetic is a total waste. Also, I've heard that the guy who makes it is very nice . . .until you register a complaint, at which point he turns into a total con artist.
  • This idea is interesting, but I have yet to test it on my own

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