Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone from the Freeman household in Wisconsin.
I hope this finds you all well and having fun.
This site was done so that I could get a message out to you in Iowa. This page will be changed after the holidays. This way I can keep you up to date as to what is going on here.
There is also a link at the bottom of the page for you to download. Make sure you allow it time to download and open as it is kind of large. Sorry about that dad. Pleaselet it take its time to open up and make sure the kids see it, especially Shawn and Danielle.
Shawn and Danille, thought I would let you know what happened, I had surgery done on my neck. Don't worry everything is fine, I can walk and move with no problems.
Jonathan and Joshua, I will tgry to bring down your christmas presents next time we come down to visit, Shawn and Danielle if you are there I will have something for you guys too.
Well thats it for now, don't forget the video.
click here for video. File size 5MB Give it time to load
click the berries, file is 5 MB lage give it time to download.
Love from all of us here in Wisoconsin, Ed, Brenda, Donald and Kassandra.