AMBER... (below: more pictures, takes a few -but there all on this page - :)

Hi -- I'm Amber -- I live near Tampa, Florida. I am a Girl at heart, mind and Soul. This is a big and wonderful part of me, but only a part. I am also a person with dreams, goals, and a purpose in life. My gender is just as important to me as yours is to you. Please keep that in mind. It took some time to figure out, understand, and accept all this - and then - live it.

I have worked at my "Girl World" for many years -It was very crude in the beginning - Believe me!! This wasn't easy, but I wanted to "taste" it so bad. Now, Finally, I am ME! --

Now it's time to live my "GIRL" side and finally be "me" (An acceptable woman living her life in this world).

My Quote::: "I have lived in the world as a man, and now, I have seen the world though the eyes of a woman. To expierence the world from "both sides" is totally awesome! Especially, >>>>> "GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!"

I would love to hear from anyone else interested or curious about all this... (email below)...

Please come back soon and visit me. Email: Amber (