GenXCelt's Homepage

I am a Gay male living in the Tampa Bay area. As a service to the Gay Community at large, I have created the following pages for this site. These pages are occasionally updated, so please check them periodically.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about these pages, then please feel free to send me a message via e-mail at I did not create this page to function as a glorified personals add, however if you would like to know a little bit about me, then please check my "about me" page. Thanks for dropping by.

History of the page: This page was started in 1999, back when the Internet was young. At the time, I was in graduate school and felt that I was collecting and sharing hidden, underground information. A great deal of time was stolen from my studies to find, read, and review all of the texts in the bibliography. This allowed me to feel connected to Gay culture and the community even though I was in relative isolation at the time. Now, nine (9) years later, this information is readily accessible from numerous sources.

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