Books regarding Christianity and homosexuality

Favorite Bible

Quotes:  books, character, civil rights and activism, creativity and imagination, education and intelligence, inspiration and encouragement, miscellany, mistranslations, prayers, lesbian, spirituality and religion, stupid quotes, women, writing

Current Theme of My Life:  Trusting the Path
Perhaps where you are is not on any map.
~ Winnie the Pooh

All that is gold does not glitter;
not all those that wander are lost.
~ J.R.R. Tolkien,
The Fellowship of the Ring

I don't panic when I get lost.  I just change where I want to go.
~ Rita Rudner

Have you ever started a new path?  No one seems willing to do this.  We don't mind using existing paths, but we rarely start new ones.  Do it today.  Start a path.  Even if it doesn't lead anywhere.
~ George Carlin,
Napalm and Silly Putty
Site updated 11/07/2004
(continuously under construction)
(at a glacial pace)
(like everything else in life)