A Day In The Life of Rex..
    Hello, and welcome to my world. As I write down my life in this new electronic journal, I hope you enjoy the complexity and humor in which I call my life. There will be road blocks and detours along the way but I feel this journey will be painless and some how ammusing. I will first start off by saying I am the worlds worst speller. If there are any gramatical errors I would like to apologize now by saying " This is no fucking English term paper buddy." Ok now that we have established a clear line of communication, we can continue on with our story.......
Chapter I

Personal Story called Life
Chapter II
Photo Journal
Chapter III
Tag  ... Day One.
Chapter IV
Tag  ... All of You ARE IT!
Chapter V
Tag The Shadow Dancer
Chapter VI
Links to Angie's World of Writing...
Chapter VII
My Email
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