Welcome to My Homepage
Hello, my name is Tom and welcome to my homepage.  I have always wanted my own homepage that I could share with my internet friends and here it is.  I hope I don't offend anyone with my choice of subjects, but if you don't like what you see, then you can alway click close.  I am interested in chatting with other members who can give me ideas on enhancing this page. Again, welcome
My interest vary.  Of course an avid computer user, tried my hand at several internet business programs, love to cook and work in my garden. 

Over the past several years I have been wrapped up in my family's genealogy.  I love playing detective and seeking out the clues as to where my family originated and what their lives were like.  It has been very rewarding.  Love to chat with others who are also seeking their ancestors.

I also enjoy quite walks along local nature trails and battlefields.   I have a faithful dog named Sidney, Sid for short. 

After I retired from the military, I finally was free to come out of the closet and admit to the world that I am gay and have enjoyed life to the fullest since.
My background begins with my place of  original orgin, Ohio.  I enlisted in the Army after H.S. graduation and 20-years later, I retired as a Sergeant First Class . 

After leaving the Army, I started working in the civilian sector.  Performing many jobs that I felt were more of an entry-level position.  But I needed the funds since I found out early, you can't live on military retirement pay alone.  Unless your living in a jungle somewhere or a third world county.

Presently an office executive and living in Northern Virginia.  I graduated from Strayer University, Washington, DC in 2000 with a BS in Business and high hopes to continue for my MBA within the next year.
Drop me a line or two to say hello, I am open to any suggestions on how I can enhance my homepage.....