Welcome to Karen's New look Web Page


Welcome to my new look page. I hope you will enjoy the little bits that is here.

This page will get better as soon as I learn how to use Front Page Express.

So I hope things will look even better soom...

Now time you lucky people knew something about me... So here goes..... The pic behind is me !


Name: Karen Geldart . (What else)

Sex: Transsexual Female (A female traped in the body of a male.. Yuk)

Age: 21

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Golden-Brown

Hight: 6ft (eeek!)

Location in the woruld: South London - England

Status: Single and Iv started hormone replacement theropy (So things are starting to happen)

Likes & Dislikes:

Likes: Good friends, A good chat, Shopping, Music, Movies, Singing, Chatting in Yahoo (ID: Karen_21_UK_TS) so feel free to say "Hi!, Trying to play with Make-up, Being told how good I look (even if you don't mean it).

Dislikes: Being called "He" or "Shemale", People who don't care about other peoples feelings, Blood tests, Flying, War.



http://www.geocities.com/westhollywood/Chelsea/7226/ : Sasha's Page

http://www.geocities.com/westhollywood/cafe/2899/ : Gemma's Page

http://www.xs4all.nl/~Selen/Index.html : Remi's Page

Naturally Natasha :Natasha's cool page

http://www.geocities.com/westhollywood/6200/ : Susana's Page

http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/transgenderedeurope : a really cool club


Tell me what you think of my Page

