Wait for the applet....if you like:)

If this is all you are seeing, it means that you do not have java capabilities on your browser. Dont ask me how, I haven't a clue :)

"squigg's space"

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Please remember this is a gay friendly site.

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I hate labels...not really a dyke:)


My name is squigg and I'm a webaholic.

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Anyone seen Colin?

Maybe you would like to learn more About Me Click Here! and my cat, Hudson.

Hudson is the one with all the fur!  


Click on a button below and you'll magically appear at your desired destination:)

Fishing and Hockey Links

  squigg chat

  Search the WWW from this site!

  "It's a surprise"...Includes bizarre wave files

  queer stuff...link to Professor of Love!

 Vancouver-British Columbia Page

 Star Trek

 The Rookery ...penguins with a purpose!...New "Pictures" page!!

 CartoonsPlus!...These cartoons change daily!...Real-time trivia!

  The Psycho Page...Groovy man!

 Credits...Please have a look and help me thank some great people!

Webrings & Awards...UPDATED!!

CompuCollege Graduate!...2003 Class Valedictorian!

I will try to keep these links up to date to the best I can.  Damn, I hate working for a living.

OOOOOh, I'm sooo excited! 

One last thing....thanx for stopping by and feel free to Sign My Guestbook
located at the top.   Beefs, bouquets, comments, suggestions...all are welcome.

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Last updated: April 17, 2006

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