Welcome to
Nikki's Cyber Nest

Well, you have finally found me! What took you so long? This is My Little Home in Cyberspace where I can be me. Just like all respectable homes there are a few, how should we say, "If Ins"...

These are the House Rules:

  1. If in you're looking for nudity...
  2. If in you're into Politics or Prejudices...
  3. If in you're looking for a place to dicuss religion...
  4. If in you're bias...
  5. If in you don't like boys having fun as girls...
  6. If in you're not over 21 years of age...
  7. If in you're looking for a playmate or partner into cyber sex...
Then please LEAVE immediately!

Otherwise, if you can be honest and abide by the rules, feel free to enter my website, but be advised: THIS SITE CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT A LIFESTYLE THAT YOU OR YOUR PARENTS WOULD NOT APPROVE OF.

Come on in, the door is open, its nice inside... But please be careful and watch your step: some areas are under construction or are being redesigned by Transgender Website Support, THE #1 websupport-site for girls like us!