Andrew's Home Page

Aka, my own ego trip

Welcome to my first attempt at a home page.  I live in Melbourne, Australia, the world's most liveable city, we are told.

Use the links below to find your way around, of course.  I eventually hope to fill my quota of space.

Email always welcome

Icq 22975271

Wanna see some more pics of me?

A bit about me and the stats thing

A bit about my partner

The 's' word......

How about a look at a couple of friends web sites

Some true personal friends

My eclectic taste in men (with pics)

Pics 4 18 +

Some Melbourne and Australian links

Ian Perry, a cute young guy who my boyfriend and I spent some time with while on holidays, a victim of the evils of heroin.  Don't think he was an addict though, he was too smart for that but not smart enough for society..  Ian's father set up a tribute home page for him at

Raymond (Wai Ming) Lee, a friend to some and a lover to others, tragically and suddenly taken.  Have a look at the memorial home page set up by one of  his previous boyfriends.

Gay Asian Male Pride, a mailing list egroup which I think is supposed to instill pride in being Asian and gay .  I am not sure that it is very effective but there are some very interesting topics discussed and pictures posted.  It is about 1500 members strong , half Singaporean and the other half spread over the world.  Have a look at the homepage,
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