Last updated Feb 9th 20032\

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Mickey, Kym and myselfWelcome to my tour of Gay Brisbane.

This website is currently unsupported. All information contained may be out of date. I do hope to be back up and running in the near future, so please do check again at a later date.

Brisbane continues to grow and more people are either moving to this beautiful city, or more people are becoming 'legal'. All in all the gay scene is growing, and I am going to try and keep you up to date so you will know what to expect when you visit.

Jason - Gay Brisbane Webmaster


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Whats on Mondays

Past Events

I have decided to archive all my updates and only show the more recent ones, but if you are interested, then feel free to check out the whole list.

18 June 2002 - Links pages completed, menu's on all pages reviewed and completed. What's On list has been updated.

16 June 2002 - Mailing List is now ready for use and personal pages have been removed - will be added to their own site in the near future.

4 May 2002 - Updates Past events and Upcomming events.

11 November 2001 - New Upcomming events.

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