This will be a page about age regression and a touch of enforced feminization. A page for Adult Babies, and sissy girls.

These are adult subjects. So if you are not 18, please leave. If these subjects offend you, go to a site that will not offend your sense of propriety. But you are probably the person who most needs to learn that different does NOT mean bad. That BABIFICATION or being an ADULT BABY (ABY) has nothing to do with pedophilia. In fact it's quite the opposite.

Adult Sites Against Child Pornography

Being an adult baby can be fun and clean. There is no nudity or sexual conduct on our web pages. we are not interested in sex.

To you, Adult Baby or Mommy or "wannabe", WELCOME *S*

Hi, My name is Cindy. And my Mommy is making my page for me....

This is FUNNNNNNN ....... wwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh :))))))))

I signed up on 02/19/99 23:53:59 and am just moving in now.

Here is your friend Barney. He will watch over your page while you are not there.

And some of your teletubby friends to keep him company

Barney Playpage


Angel Fluff

What do YOU know about american history?

This Adult bABY Ring site owned by Sissy Cindy.
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Sissy Cindy.

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Mommy's ICQ chat number: 29558726

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Debbie: Feminized at last!

CyPop's Nursery

Kathy & Kelly's page

Adult Baby Diaper Club

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