Hi, my name is is Jennifer Ann Maher; welcome to my modest
Thank you for visiting my site; please come back again soon.
little home. Turn on you speakers and listen to my background
music, you may find it charms you, something I'll also try to do. Well, I live in the wonderful and very tolerant city of Toronto but I'm not sure how how to describe myself as I really don't like labels. However, if I have to use one, perhaps I'll say that I'm happily transgendered. Although I moved in here a few years ago, I'm still trying to find the right closets for all my skirts and dresses, a suitable place for my lingerie (I do love nice lingerie, especially full and half slips - every girl should own several slips and lots pretty lace-trimmed panties and hose) and shoes. I do have a nice cozy place for my computer, so
I can connect to the Pink Room at Debbie's Den. Eventually I hope to add some more pages, with the obligatory (full-length) pictures. If you want smut or pornography, I'm afraid you won't find it here, this will be a fun and perhaps, informative place to visit. Come back later and I'll tell you a little about myself; the creation of Jennifer Ann, how she's progressed and where she might go. Yes, the three pictures on this page are of me and, in the lower one, that pink box-pleated skirt I'm wearing is one of my favourites, but not the only skirt I own; I have several others in my closet. The picture on the left features a dress I like; I'm wearing a full slip under it and I think you can see just a hint of it showing {blush}. I do got out en femme and I do feel quite comfortable when I'm out although I must admit almost all my outings have been to T-friendly places, but I have been to a supermarket (well after midnight) where the cashier actually called me `dear' and I really felt very comfortable there.
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My favourite Poems
Dress & Skirt Syles I Love
My very first outing enfemme
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