Welcome from TwoVaBears |
Just A bit about us <<<<< Steve & Gene >>>>> |
5,4, 300lb, moderately hairy hispanic
Okay, stats out of the way. I'm originally from TX but find myself living now in VA with my adorable honey. We have plans someday to move back to where I know call my home in TN. Gene first saw my add in Chubnet and e-mailed me his first letter and from there on we have been together ... well not right away of course. Took a few visiting trips to see if we were totally compatibale and see if what we were "e-mailing & IM" each other was in fact the person we came to LOVE. Lo and behold my luck has it, IT was all true.
I tend to find myself more the quite one in the group for now that is ,,, LOL ,,, untill I get motivated! |
6'1",290lb.,moderately hariy,Caucasian
I am orignally from NC, and found myself in VA app.15 yrs ... after two failed marriages. Finally accepting who I am now I am a happy man, esp. since I found the man of my dreams, Steve ... life is complete. The song, "I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You" tells the story of how it came to be for US. Totally comminitted we find ourselves hopelessly in love. Our lives together just seems to get better and better ...
I tend to be the flirty one esp. on the internet. I love to have a good time and joke around. Also, tend to get on the serious side at times. Enjoy helping others when I can. Never met a man I didn't like,,,well almost...! |