Welcome to
La Gloria!
Kerri's Beautiful Home
Welcome to my home on the web. If you've been here before, you'll notice that there have been a few changes; I've been redecorating, and I've got a new extension! For those of you not familiar with the saga of my computer, it broke down not long after the site went up - but it's back now, so we can get on with working on the site. New and notable is the section on my friends - just click 'Girls Just Wanna....' on my 'TV Guide' to meet them - more are coming soon. I hope you enjoy your visit to my little corner of the internet and I'd love to hear from you - there are several e-mail and guestbook links on the site. I've had over 5300 hits since the site went up a couple of months ago, and only 3 messages in my guestbook! Anyway, come in and make yourself comfortable. If you've never been here before, click on the link to the left for a special welcome; if you're an old friend, 'Come On In!'
Come On In!
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