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Gay and Lesbian Christian Homepage

We would like to thank everyone who has visited our site since its inception and are grateful for the opportunity to have helped some of you, even if in just a small way. We are sorry that, due to personal commitments, we are unable to continue offering this site. Fortunately, there are many LGTB-friendly Christian sites available now on the Web. Below are just a few:

(Most descriptions come directly from each church or organization's website.)

Jesus Metropolitan Community Church

Jesus Metropolitan Community Church is a Christian Church, founded by Gays and Lesbians, for all people. We have a special ministry of welcoming and affirming gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people. We're located in Indianapolis, Indiana.


If you're interested in learning about a non-violent approach to LGTB justice in the spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., check out this site by Mel White.

Cathedral of Hope

The world's largest church with a primary outreach to gay and lesbian people.

Rainbow Baptists

Rainbow Baptists is a place where everyone is welcome. Our purpose is to provide support, information and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Baptists, family and friends.

Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches

The only Christian denomination with a primary ministry to the gay and lesbian community.

Dignity USA

Dignity is organized to unite gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Catholics, as well as our families, friends and loved ones in order to develop leadership, and be an instrument through which we may be heard by and promote reform in the Church.


An on-line magazine for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Christians

The Interfaith Alliance

The Interfaith Alliance members have come together for the purpose of standing up to the Christian Coalition and other radical right wing groups and individuals who wrap themselves in the language and symbolism of religious faith.