Hello, and welcome to my home here on the web

My name is Patti, I'm a 53 yr old BI-CD living in NY with my lovely and supportive wife. We're married 31 yrs and have 3 kids. She has know about Patti for about 7 yrs and has helped me to become as fem as I can be. As you can see I am a " plus sized " girl and I have a strong atraction to heels and hose. I'd love to be able to slip into something slinky but I think I have another pound or 2 to lose first :) Of course if you like you can always slip something into me, and I won't complain Please feel free to FE-mail me at patti_cd@prodigy.net

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Now we all know that girls like me take tons of pictures, not all of which can be shown here on this site
If they are what you were looking for, you'll have to write me and ask for those. Or better yet, meet with me and we can make our own special photos.