Welcome To My Web Site...

Hi !! My name is Bryan. I am currently a junior at Florida Atlantic University, where I am studying Computer Information Systems.

I am a 24 year-old male, living in South Florida. I love Soccer, LaCrosse, Kayaking, Swimming, Olympics, Computer Animation, Travel, Writing Novels and Poetry, Modern Dance, and Ice Skating. I consider myself to be Aggressive, Persistent, Goal-Oriented, Organized, Professional, Ambitious, Positive, and Enthusiastic.

Happy New Millenium !!!!!!!!!!

This is a personal website, broken up by topic. Click on the topics below that interest you. Some of them will take you on photographic tours from some of my travels. Others will share my thoughts on certain hot topics. Each topic will have a link to return you back to this main page. Feel free to explore as much of my site as you like. Here are the current topics you can view:

Bryan's Take On The Internet: Where is the Internet headed?
Bryan's Trip To Philadelphia, PA, United States- Independence Weekend, 1999
Coming Soon: London's Millenium Celebration
Coming Soon: Bryan's Trip To London, England
Coming Soon: Bryan's Trip To Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Coming Soon: Bryan's Trip To The 1996 Centennial Olympic

Visit some of the websites I designed:
Under Construction: Launch Date: 05/05/00 Empire Designers- My Web Design Firm
Under Construction: Launch Date: 06/01/00 Empire Jewelers- An online Jewelery Store
Under Construction: Launch Date: 07/01/00 HeadHunter Headquarters
Under Construction: Launch Date: 07/20/00 Little China Market
Under Construction: Launch Date: 07/30/00 Piper Real Estate Online
Under Construction: Launch Date: 07/31/00 South Florida Deep Sea Guides

Also, visit these interesting sites:
Diversity University
FogDog Sports Equipment Retailer
Condom Sense