Links on the internet of specific interest to gays, Lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people in or seeking recovery from drugs and alcohol.

Why This Page
My Story
Web Rings

Personal Pages

A New Life 2000
Recovery, AIDS, and a new life.
Rainbows from Rainy Days
An excellent personal site of a Lesbian in recovery.
Dennis McClure's Home Page
A gay alcoholic man in Atlanta's page and story.
Bob Wagner's Pages
A Seattle gay man's fun in recovery site.
Blue Hotel for Chinchillas
One man's recovery journey through incest and substance and sexual abuse.
John's Recovery Page
A gay alcoholic's links to program principles and ESH.
Children of Chaos
A Seattle-based individual's links.
Recovery by Rick Segreda
A short story featuring two gay alcoholics in recovery on their first date.
The Baugh-Finn Family
The personal page of two recovery gay dads in love, and their family.


International Fellowships
Recovery Online
Links to just about every 12-Step Fellowship with an online presense.
Alcoholics Anonymous
General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
World Service Office of Narcotics Anonymous
Businesses and Non-Profits
Crissy's Pad
A well-designed, well-informed website of the Stop AIDS Project (SF) dealing with meth and gay men.
Gays In AA
IAC's excellent basic AA info for gay alcoholics.
Other Organizations
Sober Dykes on the Internet
Not only the home page for #soberdykes on Undernet, but a good resource for...well, sober dykes!
Lesbian Friends In Recovery
Lotsa links and references for the girl-luvin'-girl getting better.
Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans NA
A small site with some Gay NA meetings listed and past conference info.


NYC Gay & Lesbian Center – 12-step Meetings
Meetings at the Center as well as outreach programs to the community.
IAC Region Information for Gays and Lesbians
The AA IAC Region's Gay AA resource page. The Region includes Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan.
Southern California Gay 12-Step Recovery
Listings of gay recovery meetings and resources in the Greater Los Angeles area.
The Triangle Club
A Washington D.C. host for gay 12-Step programs.
Saturday Night Live
Page of a Gay AA Home Group in Norfolk, VA.
The Pride Institute
A residential treatment program located in several US cities where being gay is okay.
The Galano Club
A Milwaukee, WI recovery and social club embracing gays, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transexual members of the community.
Gay AA Roundups
An up-to-date listing of international g/L/b/t AA roundups.
New Orleans Lambda Center
Grab a beignet and a coffee at Cafe Du Monde and head over to the Lambda Center for a meeting - located on the edge of the French Quarter.
Rainbow Convention 2001
Information on the Rainbow Convention 2001, sponsored by the Rainbow Subcommittee of the San Francisco Area of Narcotics Anonymous. I went last year and it gave me hope.
AA Meetings in New York City for Gay Beginners and Visitors
Manhattan meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous which specifically welcome us.
Books, Movies and Other Media
Gay and Lesbian Addiction Resources
Papers on gay and Lesbian addiction issues.
The Body Positive
An article on breakthroughs in g/l addiction treatment.
Amazon Spirit
Daily meditations for Lesbians in recovery.
Lavender Light
A book of daily meditations for gay men in recovery. A dog-eared copy sits next to my commode...good stuff.
Vastly More Than That
Stories of Lesbians and gay men in recovery.
Addiction and Recovery in Gay and Lesbian Persons
Sociological essays and research on g/L/b/t recovery issues.
The Boys In The Band
A sad 1970 classic about drunk urban queens. Remember, we do recover.
A new hip flick featuring the insanity and sometimes comedic situations in drug addiction and sales.
Queer As Folk
Two party boys drink and drug and drag minors into their life as sex partners.
My Own Private Idaho
Is this a movie about addiction? Narcolepsy? Gays? Sorta.
Suor Omicidi
A cult horror film featuring nuns, Lesbians, morphine addiction and Joe Dallesandro. Something for everyone.
De Vierde Man
The Fourth Man, a masterful film about a gay drunk, a femme fatale, and murder.

This site is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by any 12-Step program. Please email me with any comments or additions. Keep coming back!

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