My Secret Encounter - My Experience With Another Girl

Hi everyone out there. As you probably know, my name is Amber and I'm in Australia. I've moved countless times all over the place throughout my life mainly because of my moms job. But that is another story. This web page is simply the recording I've put on here to share my first experience of a sexual nature with another girl. This girl is called Emily and it is the same girl I'm with still now. We have been getting on with each other since the first time we met at school more of which I mention in the recording. The recording was done almost 2 years ago. I am now almost 20 ( yikes, I'm getting old ) :-))
I might do another recording soon, talking about how hard it is to come out as a lesbian. Dunno yet...!!
What do you ppl out there think. And all you gals reading this out've just got to try it...get with another won't ever regret it...girsl are so much softer and more understanding than guys..Don't get me wrong, they can be nice too.
They just don't have the touch us girls do..hihi...alrighty then...write me gals and tell me what you think..Luv Amber... *grin*

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