Well, in case you couldn't tell my favorite band is Tool.   MJK's other project A Perfect Circle is linked here as well.  I had the pleasure of seeing them play at Slim's, in San Francisco in September 1999.  A good show, a good band.  For more information, check out the T.D.N. Page, the "unofficial" official page for Tool fans.  It has great links to Tool related stuff, lots of good pics, etc. there.  I found the lyric page quite helpful, along with the faq.
A very large part of my life is music.  Though my favorite bands are listed here, my musical tastes run the gamut of rock, classical, some 70's disco tunes, and ambient type stuff.  I work, as a Senior Paralegal, in Washington, DC for a firm specializing in Insurance coverage cases.  For those of you that wonder what this means, think of it like this, you own a home, and buy an insurance policy.  Something happens, and you make a claim against that policy and the Insurance Carrier denies coverage for you.  You would come to us to sue the carrier for coverage.  Now think of that example, and replace the "you" with a Fortune 500 company, and add in about 70-80 separate insurance policies.......get it now? :)  My job is a love hate thing.  I did legal stuff other than litigation for about 6 months, I am glad to be back now :)   
Me in June of 1998 in Atlanta Georgia
Me in November 1999 Me on my Birthday March, 1999 in Old Sacramento