Welcome to Paul's
Little Corner of the World!!
Welcome to
"My World." I am sure you have noticed, that this page is under construction,
and since I am "web page" challenged, it might take awhile.

In case you were curious, this is a "G" rated picture of me.

Feel free to read my
Love Story that's a little hard to believe.
Click the icon below

Here is a "blog" i did before
there ever was such a thing as a blog

Now for some
serious stuff. Please help if you can!!
Looking for adoption info/help?

Please help these
children by clicking below
Click here for Colorado's
Missing children
If you have seen
any of the children click the above banner.

Any help or
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you have
comments or suggestions, email me at:

If Adelphia is our link to everything, we
are in big trouble!!
I hope you will
take the time to sign my guest book

Visits since November 10, 1999