May Your Day Be Filled with Happiness, Love and Peace






We need to KILL this  BASTARD and bury him with a pig's head


Welcome to Paul's Little Corner of the World!!

Welcome to "My World." I am sure you have noticed, that this page is under construction, and since I am "web page" challenged, it might take awhile.


In case you were curious, this is a "G" rated picture of me.

  Feel free to read my Love Story that's a little hard to believe. Click the icon below


Here is a "blog" i did before there ever was such a thing as a blog  


Now for some serious stuff. Please help if you can!!

Looking for adoption info/help?

Please help these children by clicking below

Click here for Colorado's Missing children

PLEASE HELP! If you have seen any of the children click the above banner.

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Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



If you have comments or suggestions, email me at:

If Adelphia is our link to everything, we are in big trouble!!


I hope you will take the time to sign my guest book

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  Visits since November 10, 1999