Welcome to BadCubMike's Page

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Married: Domestic Partner
Age: 35
Hight: 5'6"
Weight 140
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Body: Adverage
Body Hair: Medium
Tattoos: 5
Pierced: Right Nipple
Location: Long Beach, CA

Welcome to my place here on the World Wide Web. I am just now getting the hang of building a web page.
I live in Long Beach, CA area, this is just outside of Los Angeles. I got my nick name BadCub from my good friend Alex in New York City. He is the one that got me in to the bear thing in the Gay community. My lover and I have 3 kids (dogs) that keep us busy. I now have a new best friend in my life, he is also my boyfriend. He makes me so very happy. My lover and I enjoy speinding lots of time with him. I love to go riding on my new Honda NightHawk motorcycle.

And for my closing thoughts... BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE!

Don't be what someone else wants you to be, because you'll never be happy with yourself if you do. Every little downfall hurts your self-esteem, and building that back up is a VERY long and tough process...!

My email is: badcub@flashcom.net

My ICQ number is 49770827

Pistons Bar in Long Beach

My newest Toy, a 1990 Lincoln Mark VII LSC

More Pictures of Myself and my Kids.

This is Dash, he is the oldest.

This is Pako, he loves to play ball.

This is KC, she is a Lab/Chow mix.