Glasgow 2K

Welcome to Glasgow 2K

Hi my name is Allan, I'm 37, and I live in Glasgow, Scotland.
Listed here are some of my interests.
If you would like to see what I look like then Click Here.

A wee bit of info on Glasgow:

Glasgow is Scotlands largest city (3rd largest city in UK) with a population or over 600,000 people.

The word 'Glasgow' is from the Gaelic 'Glaschu' meaning 'Dear Green Place'.

Glasgow City Council.

I have always had an interest in politics, and I am especially excited by the new
Scottish Parliament and how it will affect the lives of ordinary Scots. It's link is below.
There are also other links to political parties and other political groups active in Scotland

Scottish Pariliament

United Kingdom Parliament

European Parliament

The Communist Party of Britain

Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party

Scottish Green Party

The Scottish Labour Party

Scottish Liberal Democrates

Scottish National Party


Equality Network

Strathclyde Gay & Lesbian Switchboard

Includes: Homophobic 'Hate Crime' Confidential Report Line

Other interests I have include:

Glasgow Gay & Lesbian Centre

PHACE Scotland
Promoting Health and Challenging Exclusion

Providing services for HIV positive people, for gay and bisexual men, and for the community.

Would you like to see some live views of Glasgow City Centre?
Click Here!

If you have any comments or suggestions, then share them with me.

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