This page belongs to DJ (also known as Canadabear or djbear). The real name is Douglas Jackson McC. To my mother and my soon-to-be-ex., I was Doug but to my new friends it is DJ or sometimes JAck (the A is intentional). I hated being called Dougie which sounds too much like doggie. My students call me DJ so I use that nick - indeed, if you were to phone my number, you would hear "DJ" as the response in the message on my voice mail.

There is much to tell you in pages like this BUT I do not wish to bore you - therefore, everything is organized by clicking on linked pages. I warn you that it is difficult to keep this up-to-date and I also have not finished what I want to say yet. Of course, you can pick and choose what you wish to read.

You might also wish to read about some of the things which go on in my life. I urge you to visit tobear's blog to find out some comments on on-going events in my life and some of my comments on current events.

If you wish to learn about me in quick summary, please refer to my short version. [this is very slow loading so beware]


  1. MY PICTURE GALLERY just a few pictures
  2. STUFF ABOUT ME maybe more than you want to know and links to more pictures.
  3. MY NUCLEAR FAMILY my sons
  4. MY FRIENDS surprising how important this has become
  5. MY WORK there is much to say here
  6. MY EDUCATION briefly
  7. I AM A BEAR definition and some links
  8. MY SOULMATE what am I looking for in a life partner

I am HIV NEGATIVE but I am concerned about those who are +ve. Although the inhibitors seem to work really well, it remains a terrible disease. It is also very scary when one goes to get the recommended HIV test regularly.

My brother whom I never had, my childhood friend whom I had known since age 3, recently died of AIDS. For me watching him die was worse than watching someone die of cancer.

You can check out how masculine-acting or straight-acting you are. How Do You Rate? I rate a 3.

You can write to me at: Canadabear or at: djbear or at : bear

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