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Welcome to  Heaven's House
This page is just to express my feeling , and to let you all get to know me a little better,  I am  47 years young, I live in New Brunswick, Canada .  I have  two grown wonderful sons.. I love music, and crafts & love to write!!.  LoL I also enjoy the internet as you who know me are aware. I go by the handle Heaventhere or Sassy.  OK enough about me , pull up that big easy chair in the corner and enjoy.
See ya all soon !!!!!!
We all look for someone who we can share our life with, someone who see's us for who we truly are.  I have been lucky enough to have found that person, her name is Becky (Bec) She see's me for who I am on the inside, she understands  what I want and need from life and loves me for it.  In her eyes I see who I truly am and feel stronger because of how she looks at me.  This woman I love makes me laugh some times until the tears come.  I am lucky to have found the person who each and every day I love & am in love more then I did yesterday. 
I will be putting some of my writing here for all you to enjoy.  Let me know what you think, and come back often because i will be adding more as i write them.. Please remember to sign my guest book!!
Erotic Fantasies
When Night Comes
My Dream Garden
A Night to Remember
Friends are Forever
There are some links for you all to enjoy, these are sites of my favorite friends.