to my Frontispiece!

Hello! My name is Richard Scarborough, and I guard the counter! Its my job to protect the frontispiece from the marauding henchmen of the Little Bishop. Its a lot of fun working here, repelling counter mounters and generally misdirecting and upsetting everyone I encounter. Sometimes, I'm so tired of an evening that I fall asleep the moment I curl up in my warm bed of sweetcorn down in the cellar.

On my homepage you'll find lots of details about me and the many adventures I have chasing people up and down the Little Bishop, and generally mingling with the denizen's of Portland Square and its environs. Also, you'll find pictures of me and all my friends going about our business.

Enjoy your stay here, and remember - I won't have to egg you if you don't mount my counter!

© 1999 - Friends of Scarborough
All Rights Reserved - All Wrongs Reversed