One Point that I want to put across is that I am not looking for guys who cheat on their partners, I go for regular tests even though I practice safe Sex. I am More of a top, but can be versatile as well and very Open Minded. In a Nutshell, I have various interests and the site does not have options to specify details. I am an athletic type of person and Like the Outdoors in the summer time. I like to cycle along the pathways in Ottawa especially along the Ottawa and Rideau rivers. I also Like to Roller blade once in a while, hopefully like to find a partner who likes the same. Camping is Fun as well as Hiking...I also Like Long Romantic wals and don’t mind Holding hands. Gardening is my passion and I like to make a small tropical garden outside and this includes Plants such as Ornamental Banana, Citrus, Lantana, Jasmine and Purple passion Flower. I was Born as raised in Ottawa and Lived here all my Life; I never moved away. I work in the High tech sector and trained as a test technologist, been doing this for about 17 years. More to Follow later.




Here are some of my stats:

To contact me, then Please reply to this e-mail addressE-MAIL ME

Age 44
Height 6 feet
Weight 188lbs
Chest 44"
Waist 33"
Eyes Hazel


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