I am Nora. A preoperative transsexual woman living in Los Angeles.

     L.A. what a civil society it is here. Still, it beats tons of other places such as Lincoln Nebraska, Cinncinatti, Jackson Missisipi. . .

     I've been here six months. Pretty familiar with a lot of parts of it.  If I had to pick a favorite part of L.A. I suppose it would be where I'm living now, in the heart of 'Little El Salvador' Hollywood. If you get up early enough you can have a nice styrofoam cup of donut house coffee and chill with the morning pidgeons and empty streets before the scene shortly dissapears with the sound of the first boom box. 

      Work wise,  I'm screening calls for a dating service.  That's what I've been doing lately. "Skills" fall in the "light secretarial" category, office work and some MSOffice. My "dream" lately has become to land some of the ammenities of a middle class earning bracket, with the advantage of good credit. Perhaps work my way towards a management position before I'm 40 yrs. old.

     Art work, the past few years I've been fooling around with the stuff you see on the side.  Nice colors, but what does it mean? I don't know. All I know is that I have certain end products I like others that I consider misses. I think alot of the sense of meaning is just about developing a personal style. It's also nice when it strikes other people with the same impressions or effects.

     Missing links in all of this: travel. The places I would go, hotels I would stay at, things I would do, if I had the money.

     Hope's for the new Millenium:

      The end of servitude and the "work ethic".
      A civil society where services and advice are available to those who need it.
      The end of McDonnalds and STDs.

Some Links

The International Journal of Transgenderism:

Transsexual Women's Resources: www.annelawrence.com

Email: Vrdtn7@netscape.net

Reading for Social Understanding:


