Finally a place to express my inner spirit

I have been semi-closeted for several years but want to "express my femininity more. What I mean is I have been out in public en femme but only in a mall out for a walk or driving. The internet has been a godsend showing me how many others feel similar to me but I need more. It is time to express my feelings and perhaps meet other TGs or admirers.

This page is a start in this direction. I just moved in on March 27 and so far I have a couple of my favorite links and a little about me. I hope to be adding more real soon Hopefully before long it will look much better!!!!

Would love to hear from you!


If you want to learn a little more about me, click on the button:
Jayme's thoughts put in writing:
I have done a little writing about my deepest fantasy. If you are interested in reading about it, click on the following link:
"The Date."
It involves my having an encounter with a strong minded man who agrees to a date with an understanding.... that I fully reveal the slightly ditzy, somewhat submissive and erotic female spirit dwelling within me.
I'd love ot hear from anyone who liked my story, anyone with suggestions for "part 2" or from any guys who would turn it into reality!!!!!!! (especially a man who would make me out to be the woman I feel inside me!!! If you are that sort of man, I just dare to e-mail me!!!!!!!! naughty grin)

Another piece I have written combines a some personal expereince with some personal desires. If you are a man who has an interest in having a transgendered lover, or are transgendered and have wanted a male lover, you might find it to be interesting. It is titled
"The invitation."

I would love to hear from you. Click this button if you want to sign my guest book. I know, the link should be right here but I am not real good at this and couldn't get the link on my main page. SORRY!!!!
E-mail me at gyrl88@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
You might also find me on ICQ Account NO: 34678965
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