Welcome to my HomePage
at http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Cafe/3959

galeries button With these pages, I intend, (just as most other T* girls do) to show to the world that we existe and are human. And just as heterosexual men and women, we (The T* community) ask to get respect from the rest of the world.

By the way, If you are looking for sexual matters other than information (pornographique pictures...) you are not at the right place. You will not find anything of this nature. Rather than that, you will find pleinty of my pictures since most of us feel the need to be seen and accepted as woman.
links button
references button
mailbox This site is also targeted at "newbies" and intend to give them references and information with the help of links.

Since I am Swiss, I also intend (and this is actually the first priority) to help as much as possible the Swiss T* community since unfortunately there is not much for us in this country.

Please visit as often as possible since I am about to receive the last picture of myself!
My name is Tina and I am a Swiss Tranny. I have been dressing like a girl since the age of 5. I live in The Swiss French part of Switzerland. To be more precise in Montreux where the world famous Montreux Jazz Festival takes place.

If you wish, you may contact me by ICQ. My number is 18053031

Copyright ©1999 - All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material in this site is forbidden.
Conception, content and updates by Tina