Chris's Website

-under construction-


It had to happen eventually...


YES, it DID!  Don't argue with me!



     Anyway, as of January 2007 I am starting a massive website renovation.  Gone are the days of


     "Hmm... I wonder what Chris Chance is doing.  Maybe I'll go to his website- at least then I can look at what he WAS doing 4 YEARS AGO!!" 


     No, no.  It's going to be nice and fresh, like fresh milk.  Mm.  Yes, fresh and clean, like clean laundry.  Ooo...  That's right- fresh, clean, and non-abrasive, like a fresh, clean, non-abrasive version of something that would otherwise be stale, dirty, and abrasive.


So my site's closed for the construction.  Waah.  Back soon.


...until then, why don't you enjoy looking at two of my favorite colors:

indigo and periwinkle...