Sporty's Spot...
What up!  Thanks for stoping by.

Now for a little more about me...thats what you wanted right? :-) Well, Im a 29 year old diva dyke and "business woman" who  lives in the Atlanta, GA area.  I like to hang out at Red Chair, chill with a rum and coke (perferably dominican), and watch the L-Word (JB if you are ever in Atlanta - Call me *wink*).  I like my life drug, drama, and disease free (haha).

In case you are wondering ~ No, I'm not single and no Im not looking. My girl and I have been together for 8 years.  We have friends all over the place and we are always looking for more. So don't hesitate to hit me up ... Im really an awesome person when you take the time to get to know me ~ Trust me.
A few of the favs
Recent pics of Nik & Me
Contact Me...
Keny, Ken, K, Sporty, etc...
This is baby  & me...
Thanks for stopping by...And please come again.