
Just One of the Girls


Hi and welcome to my home on the web! 
After all your searching you have finally a found my place.  Here we can explore the wonderfully exciting world of

Wildly Fun "Exotic" Lifestyles

including Transgender Girls

Their Significant Others

and Other Exciting Things

So stay a while
and Follow my Links


Hi!  My name is Cyndi.  I live somewhere here in the Midwest.  You might be wondering a little about me.  This is just a start and I am still in the process of posting all this good stuff.  I can tell you that I am involved in the local TG scene and love going out with my friends and having a great time.  I will posting some more fun soon.

I like all kinds of thing ---  Petticoats anyone?  (Petticoats are SO COOL!!!)




Was Supposed to be a Red Head in this One


Patti's Never-Never Land --
A young TG Girl here in Kansas City


KCCAF - Kansas City's Local TG Group

Somethings I like:


Wasp Creations - Expertly Crafted Customs Corsets


Patti's Idea - Naughty Girl

Support Information:

The Pink Kittens Home Page (Support for TG Significant Others - GREAT!)

Don't be a Scardy Cat - Write me a Note!
