Stella F. 's Home Page

Welcome to Stella's TV pictures page.

The best girls on the net

Updated July 22

My page has finally been updated with some new pics and links. Updated on Dec 23, 1998

Look for me on #tvsex on IRC (Undernet) Just look for StellaF or StellaTV.

But first, a few of my favorite things:

The 3 Greatest movies of all time are
1. Star Wars
2. The Crow
3. 2001 A Space Odyssey

I really enjoy video games, my favorites are:
1. Dark Forces
2. Warcraft 2
3. Sim City 2000
If you ever want to play a modem game of Warcraft 2, just E-Mail me and set a time.

And the 3 greatest bands of all time:
1. Weird Al Yankovic
2. Nirvana
3. Nine Inch Nails

And the two greatest sports in the universe are:
Bowling and

But enough of that, On to the pictures

A few of Stella's Statistics.

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© 1997 Send mail to Stella

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