Hi my name is solid


Im working on my page right now so
Please come back soon and visit me.

This is one of my favorite songs.I think that the words have a lot of meaning. People close their hearts and minds way to often in life. I live in the city of portland, OR. and so I see a lot of this going on.One of the things that I like to do is go down town and watch the people. A good place to do this is Portlands saturday market. People from all over the state come here to it. All walks of life,race,religion.

Here is a picture of me at work.

Well I think that I should say something about my self. Im 39 years old and have 3 kids, their ages are 23, 22 and 19. My daughter is the oldest and she is in college and majoring in genetics. I am very proud of her. The 2 boys I do not have any contact with. Its not by my choice.

I live with my girlfriend, the person that I love most in the world, her name is Brenda and we have a good life together. She is 27 years old and does a lot for me. She is the one that showed me that there was love out there in the world and that it dosnt have to hurt you.

I also live with Brenda's brother Donny, he is 23 years old and is like one of my kids. So he is a big part if my family too .We have a lot of fun together.

I dont know if you can tell by the cat eyes when you walk in the door but I love cats.thay have there own personalities. We have 4 cats Sebastian, Fabian, Bianca and Calypso. They are all cool cats. I will have pic. later.

I have all kinds of interests and passions. One of them is oil panting.That's one of my favs.When I paint its like the out side worries and stress is gone for a few hours. Its to cool. I just go at it.I usualy dont know how its going to end up .It just develops in to something.I hope that some day I will have a studio. That would be just to cool.

Let me see, music is another passion of mine.I firmly believe that it does calm the savage beast.I know that it can calm me and make me feel better.I mostly listen to New age and contemopary. I can be in a bad mood and put on music and bam instantly Im in a good frame of mind.

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DO you want to know How Brenda and I met
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