From Orange County, California... Debry's place!!!, a girl like you....
Welcome to my little cyberspace, since May 16, 1997.
Last Update,  February 8th, 2006.
Hi!!!, thank you for stopping by, I am a 3? years old girl!!!!!!, (I was born like Debry at 11 years old, when I found my other half!!!!!!! ;), I like very much my fem side and I'd like to meet people like me and you. This site is under construccition, I hope to have more content very soon. e-mail me I want you know about you!!!!! or try to reach me at the yahoo mensenger :)

A little about me...
I am living in California and love to dress with mini skirts, blouse, pantyhose and strappy sandals (the same you see in my pics). Of course I like wear my panties, bra, lingerine, and my satin babydolls (I love the bloosom most)...., soon I will be writing more about me!!!!!!!
Age 38 ops!!! I just said it ;)
Sex ? Being a girl!!!, I never had sex with a man, but,        Isn't that every girl's dream?
Heigh 5' 11"
Eyes Brown
Weight 205 lbs A little over weight, but working on    that!!!
Hobbies I love computers, and other      things...

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