Windi Knight 's Home Page

A Transsexual Lady

Visit me at the SWANS Social and Support Group in Knoxville and visit our new site at  T G Forum.

Windi Knight is a veteran of the Web and the transgender community.  She lives in the East Tennessee area and works as a college professor.  Windi founded in May 97 a social and support group of Transgendered Persons and their Significant Others meeting in Knoxville.  The SWANS (remember the children's tale of the "Ugly Duckling"?) meets at 8:00 pm the third Friday of each month in a safe and convenient place.  She would like to hear from all East Tennessee area TG persons (CD'ers are included too!) who would like a chance to interact socially with others at all stages of their new life out of the closet.  Our group has really grown since we started in May 97. Dues are $12 per year and a Subscription to GoWings On our newsletter is $6 per year.  Fe-mail me at Windi Knight for details/locations.

 Windi, as her name suggests, loves to talk and loves penpals. she would like to correspond with any other sisters or friends worldwide who are interested in corresponding and will answer all e-mail promptly. Please No Mash Notes!

Personal Stats:

I am a 40+ year old transsexual lady who has found her inner self, is enjoying a belated girlhood and has been fulltime since May 1998. I am 38C-28-42, 5'11", 160 lbs, size 14, have my own long brown hair and hazel eyes. My sexual orientation has always been heterosexual,  I don't quite know how to describe it now, I find both men and women very attractive. I have remained celibate while I figure everything out.  Sex without Love is not important knowing ones true Self is.  I love my new Self, the old self was too limited to be completely happy. Windi knows herself better now,  she is presenting herself to the world as a whole FEMALE being. She transitioned in place, her coworkers have been just great, kind and understanding, as has her administration. It has been such a pleasant surprise to find how understanding people have been. I'm looking for penpals/ companionship/friendship/love in no particular order and would love to correspond with interesting people.

Windi has a photopage of her life as a girl.  She even has a picture of what she used to look like (click here). Windi's alter-ego was married 25+ years to a wonderful woman, whom she still loves, but who, when our sons reached puberty, couldn't coexist with Windi and tried to purge her from my soul. Believe me girls and guys, a half a soul is not viable.  To her surprise, and mine, Windi emerged as the dominant being.  She may have always been stronger. Remember, behind every successful man there is a strong, silent woman. I was surprised by who She was, Me!  Her grown sons had a difficult time coping with the changes their father has undergone.  As fine, handsome, loving, young men with no traces of GID, who are quite happy in their God-given sex/gender, they had a hard time understanding their father's needs and desires.  The "loss" of their father was both traumatic and hurtful. Time has healed and will continue to heal their wounds, soften their hurt, and allow their love to have fewer bounds. They are again ending their letters and phone conversations with "I love you." I am often moved to tears.

Hobbies & Sundries:

I like New Age Music (Narada), but also Roy Orbison, Berlin, Shania Twain, Sheryl Crow; Shopping and Bargains (What girl doesn't); Gardening/Horticulture (My new apartment now has micro flower beds and gardens, not my old private gardens but pleasing none-the-less); I love movies with strong women, Sigorney Weaver, and dreamy guys, Brad Pitt; I watch the box for Ally McBeal, Practice and TV Science Fiction (Star Trek Voyager, DS9, Next Generation, Earth, Final Conflict, SG1, Outer Limits even the first Star Trek episodes, although I have seen them a million times; Worf, Michael, you are the best looking black man on Earth! although Michael Jordan comes very close.), X-files (Skully, my idol), Pretender (Jarad is a hunk, Parker is Hot, sigh, envy!), RuPaul (You are really glamorous and beautiful). I am irresistibly drawn to beautiful ladies, both TG and GG, but the inner beauty is what holds me. Beautiful men especially those who remind me of my father make me feel soft, cuddly and very girlish, my daddy was the most handsome man alive in his youth, I can still remember curling up beside him and going to sleep, feeling so safe. My mom was/is a lot like Parker, beautiful, determined and strong!, no psychoanalysis please! I grew up feeling very loved by both my parents. They gave me the stength to face the world. My mom has welcomed her new daughter and loves her as much as she did her son. I wish everyone could be as lucky as I. Having Family means so much.

I am a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church which has proven to be a very accepting and affirming church. I have found many friends there. I would never have believed Sunday morning would have become the high point of my week, but it has.  I have found happiness and a greater spiritual self. Despite all I have lost, I have gained so much that is new, wonderful and beautiful that I shall never regret the day Windi chose to step out of the closet. For when she reached for the sunlight she found the stars, happiness and a great inner peace. She has also found that the most powerful weapon in this world is a smile and a happy heart.  She has learned that the most valuable resource in the world is a friend.  I now have many friends, I have many genetic as well as transgendered girl friends.  They all help me affirm to the world that Windi Is a girl worth knowing and having as friend.

I am happy to present WINDI to the world.  She is a bit more of a party animal than her old self.  She enjoys socializing with her growing circle of girlfriends. She, as her name suggests, loves to talk, loves penpals too!  Guys & Dolls!

Hugs to all you sisters out there.  Remember to be true to yourself. The more love you give, the more you receive. Bye now, see ya soon.  Windi

Remember All you East Tennessee area transgendered persons, SWANS is a fun group! We meet at 8:00 pm the third Friday of each month in Knoxville. Come by and visit us.  You never have to worry about being found out.  This social group is a safe, congenial place and your real identity will be known only to the newsletter editor and the president if you decide to join.  We are discrete and everything said at the meeting is confidential.  We never release names or mailing lists to anyone.Spouses and partners are most welcome. Come dressed how ever you feel comfortable, there is a place to change if you need to.  We have really grown since we started in May 97.  Click SWANS for more details and visit our new site at  T G Forum .

Fe-mail me at Windi Knight for specifics and meeting location.

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