WELCOME to SUZI's Cyber Parlor
(because I'm WAY out of the closet)
A Friendly Place to Relax
April 2003 Suzi's first professional makeover with Marilynn in Tampa, FL.
UPDATED March 1, 2007
Greetings fellow Netizens. I hope that you found my home because you were looking for like minded friends. This is no longer a new thing but I did finally get around to fixing all the link. Links do change, but I've been lax at getting them updated. Hopefully they will hold for a while.
It has been almost four years ago but I had the most wonderful experience getting a makeover and photo shoot done by Marilynn in Tampa, Florida. Marilynn is not only a beautiful lady but she is also a great photographer. Her studio is in her family room but between Marilynn and her wife it was the most comfortable I've ever been while dressed (or undressed as I changed outfits.) Unfortunately, something changed in Marilynn's life and she is no longer available.
The main topic will be an old favorite - crossdressing. Yes, I really enjoy wearing ladies clothing, from the skin on out. Why?? Beats me, but after 63+ years on God's green earth I now know the urge isn't going to go away. So instead of fighting it I'm relaxed and enjoying the heck out of my adventures (as do thousands of others.) The first article is from another site on the web provide a good physical rational for transgenderism. The second provides a survey of people who crossdress and looks at their backgrounds. I've begun to develop a theory on why so many "T" people seem to pop from the closet late in life. Read this and you will know as much as I do.
I recently found an article from the CIA that you might find interesting. This article is about trangenderism and here is another about a Dutch doctor who specializes in treating transgendered people. If you really want to get deep into the chemistry of what might be going on in your life read this site (it is more than a page) by my beautiful friend, Kathy Cochran - A Discussion on the Relationship Between Gender Identity And Prenatal Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol (DES) in 46XY Individuals
For those interested, I found several articles on the subject of Hair Removal. They are from technical journals, but they have some details which may be of interest to the "T" community.
How did I get the name Suzi? I have a sister Suzi (who knows,) and I needed a fem name while signing on to something. The first time I fully dressed was in April of 1997 thanks to a Edie who had transitioned to the point where she had spare parts in the form of wigs and breast forms. The good news is that with the right extra parts there was a drastic change in how I looked. In July of 1997 I had a chance to get dressed again and a friend, Ronda, that I met at Susan's Chat Room (who it turns out, we used to work in the same place) came over and helped me by taking a few pictures. Now you know what Suzi looks like. You can preview the picture pages below and you can see the best of the set on Picture Page 1. The reason I didn't put the first pictures up was that they weren't very good. (Since a net picture may be almost forever,I guess I'm ready to risk a bit of immortality :~). Since that time I've had a few other opportunities to get dressed and the best pictures each set can be found on Picture Page 2, Picture Page 3 and on Picture Page 4. Picture Page 5 are from Suzi's first public outing in April of 1999. Suzi and my friend Janis went to dinner and a show at Finocchio's in San Francisco. Suzi was read, but who cares because we had a blast. Good thing that we took the opportunity as I hear the Finocchio's is no longer in business. The bad news is that Janis died, which is another reason not to postpone doing what you want (as long as it doesn't hurt another.) Look at Picture Page 7 and Picture Page 8 for more travels with Suzi. Uploading pictures is harder then just plugging them into a profile so go here for the latest Suzi's Yahoo Profile
Picture Page 6 - Marilynn's Magic The wonder of a little makeup, a great photographer, some PhotoShop touch up and what God gave me in physical features. Marilynn and I coined a scale on how comfortable people are in front of the camera. It goes something like this:
| | | | | FROZEN |
Suzi has had the oportunity to get out accasionally. Here are some pictures of Suzi in Columbus with the Crystal Club and out in Cleveland with Joan. Picture Page 7 and Picture Page 8
Here are the latest pictures of Suzi again in Columbus with the Crystal Club and friends and out in Nashville.Picture Page 9
I have located three support organizations nearby. In Dayton Ohio we now have the Valley GEMS, in Columbus, Ohio is the Crystal Club and in Cincinnati, Ohio is Crossport. They all have active sites with lots of information. I've also made many friends at Susan's Chat Room. A great place and a warm welcome to new individuals with lots of caring and help. I once thought about putting links to sites on this page but after finding all the broken links I don't think it is a good idea. For now let me suggest that you surf around and make your own. Cyberspace is a lot like the TV place on "Cheers" - everyone is easy to meet and friendly (some may be a bit funny, but that just makes it more interesting.)
Since I started this page I've become a bit more out in buying clothes (a bad habit since they cost $ and take space to store - but fun nevertheless.) I've found that most consignment shops are open to letting anyone try on something before making a purchase. I've now tried on everything from beaded dresses to leather skirts, and while sometimes the clerk gets a surprised look, they have always been helpful. On one trip I actually had the three ladies that worked in the store running around picking things out while I tried them on. It was fun and that is where I got the black sequined skort and jacket set. The ladies seemed to enjoy it also.
Instead of lots of links to pages that are out of date, here are links to great collections of girls at UR NOT ALONE This is the main page of a world of great people. If you would like to be listed just sent the information requested at the bottom of the page. Another place to find links is Susana Marques who has indexed many of the "T" girls of Geocities and it is now being hosted by Sylvia Jean.
I'd like to educate folks about using the net a bit more efficiently. Please do everyone a favor and withhold the demonstration of your skills as a Java or Shockwave programmer especially from the opening pages of your site. There is nothing more useless than a Java or Shockwave applet the takes a long time to load (and doesn't work) so you get a blank page.
I moved most of the pictures from the top of the page to the bottom so you have something to read while the pictures are loading. Remember, that high speed Internet connections are still not common. Have mercy on those with modems and provide something to read while the big graphic files are loading. I'm also into reading which is why the plain background and black text. I've seen lots of sites that were unusable because of confusing backgrounds or no contrast text. Friends, if you go to the trouble to write good stuff, have compassion on the hard of seeing and keep the contrast high and the text large.
Mail may be sent to - suzijet @ ameritech.net (and of course take the spaces out)
January 1999 Pictures
The second set of pictures - November, 1998
The first pictures - 1997-98
As you go through the pictures see if you can tell when I got the advice from my friend Mary Ann in Columbus that to "pass" or come close required that I lose the "Babe" look. I did and I think it worked. What do you think???
Modified - March 1st, 2007