Hello and Welcome to My Homepage

Who Am I? My name is Stephan. I was born in 1965 in Brugge a medieval city well known for its beautiful buildings and its tourism, situated in Belgium. I have lived there for about 25 years. Since 1990 however I live in Ieper. Ieper is a town which is always associated with the first World War because of the incredible number of soldiers who fell over there during those awful years. Even now, more then 70 years later, every day there is a ceremony to honour them. Although it is not common known by the citizens of the city it is also worldwide known for its hardcorefestival. My Job

In a country so famous for its beers I am proud, that together with my partner we are the landlords of Het Aardsbisdom. The pub is situated in the Patersstraat 2. That is in the center of the city. It is closed on tuesdays and normally open from 3pm. We serve several typical belgian beers. In Ieper the pub is well known for its good music, and many people go there to read the newspapers.

When two landlords have fun. If you have any sugestions or questions you can emal me: belgianbear@iname.com
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