Last Updated 04/29/2005
I suppose you'd like to know a little bit about me. I'm a twenty-eight year old crossdresser. I started dressing when I was eleven and continue to do so frequently.
I've made several changes to the page recently. Most important is a new link to my LiveJournal. I'll be using my LiveJournal to post my thoughts and feelings, and let you know what's going on in my life. I'll also be posting updates to this page there. Be sure to check back regularly to see what additions I've been making. Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments by sending me e-mail, posting in my LiveJournal, or adding to my guestbook.
My bio coming soon
More about me Updated 10/04/2004
My Yahoo Profile
My Livejournal
Pictures of me
Pictures of women that inspire me
Links to other web pages
Sign my guestbook
View my guestbook
Please feel free to drop me a line. I'm always interested in meeting new people (especially T* people in Maryland).
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