Welcome to my first home page.
This is new to me so if it sucks, E-mail me with ideas for improvement. I intend to basically cover the following topics here:
Personal page - Personal information about me if anyone cares.
Pagan page - This page is about pagan/wiccan information and links to resources for it.
Page of pride - So I'm homesexual, does that mean I'm not human anymore???
Program page - Shareware, video games.
Fantasy page - Sci-Fi\ Fantasy stuff.
Environmental issues - Keep the planet green and healthy!!! Do your part in keeping earth clean and green.
Multi media - Movies, Music, etc.
Links to friends pages.
Knightly Realm - Not available at this time.
Links to other sites I have found enjoyable
or useful.
Yahoo search engine - Yahoo is one of the oldest, and is considered one of the best search engines on the web.
Metacrawler search engine - METACRAWLER... the best Search Engine! Nine engines in one... colated with minimal duplicates!
This is where you tell me how much my page sucks!!!
(And leave suggestions for improvement???)