Lutherans Concerned/South Carolina Chapter

A Christian Ministry Affirming God's Love for Lesbian and Gay People.

Our Mission Statement

Lutherans Concerned/North America stands as a community of faith, modeling the gospel within the church and within the lesbian and gay community.

We seek to employ the Gospel's principles of inclusiveness and justice, celebrating God's gifts of sexuality and diversity.

Additionally, we help people reconcile their spirituality and sexuality in an uplifting way. We also seek to lead the church by example. We cannot wait for everyone in the church to understand how acute the need is. We are called to minister to people now. Even as we continue to nurture worshipping communities that proclaim the Gospel while affirming sexual diversity, we are called to do more.

Statement of Sanctuary

The ministry of Lutherans Concerned, its meetings and its mailing list are protected by our understanding of sanctuary. No participants need fear exposure or abuse in subscribing, joining or attending Lutherans Concerned events.

All information which individuals may reveal about themselves is to be honored by others with total confidentiality. Mutual trust and respect, in the Sprit of Jesus Christ, is offered to all who may elsewhere experience alienation, distrust or rejection. For the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we welcome all people to this Sanctuary.

Lutherans Concerned Current News Items

From time to time Lutherans Concerned has various events and activities. To learn about these events please join the LC/SC email group.

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Lutherans Concerned/North America
MCC Columbia
PFLAG of Columbia, SC
We Are Family
ballblin.gif (924 bytes)South Carolina Gay & Lesbian Business Guild
ballblin.gif (924 bytes)South Carolina Gay and Lesbian Pride Movement

For more information regarding the South Carolina Chapter of Lutherans Concerned please email the Co-Chairs of Lutherans Concerned.

This page was created by an MCC friend for Lutherans Concerned. Last revised by the Co-Chair of Lutherans Concerned/SC on August 23, 2005.

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