Q Award™
for excellence on the net...
Check back to find out more about the Q Award™ program...maybe a site you know--even your own--is way-cool and way-queer.
If so, you could be honored with the Q Award™.
Any site that is educational, informational, resourceful, or just plain FUN will be eligible.
However, not just any site will EARN the distinction of the Q Award™! The Q Award™ is given based on overall excellence.
This does not necessarily mean that only the most beautiful sites or the sites done by professionals with lots of money will win.
In fact, the main mark of excellence is judged by how empowering, resourceful, or positive the site is!
So...keep your eyes open for a really hip, homo site!
If it is a must-visit place for anyone gay, lesbian, bi or transgendered, it just may be the next Q Award™ recipient!
Stay tuned for more details, including how to nominate a site and a list of Q Award™ winners!
Please direct inquiries and comments to: Q-Award™ WebDiva, q-award@usa.net

Member of the Q Award™ Link-Up™
Last updated: July 19, 1997 at 1:05 pm CST
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