Welcome to my Webpage!!!

Before we get started, I just wanted to put this out there... I saw this article in the March 5, 2007 of QuickDFW and just HAD to post it!! Although I do believe I am a pretty good guy, I can't say that this article doesn't hold some truth for me! I'm sure it holds true for a lot of you too!! Oh, and I have the red couch too!

ARTICLE: Why I Won't See You Again

My Happy Home

current picture - taken September 2008

Went to Glen Rose TX with a friend who came to visit from England. The place is called Fossil Rim, and is like a drive through safari where you get up close and personal with all kinds of animals from the comfort of your car. And you get to feed them too! This pic was taken at the rest stop in the middle. It was a great day!

Having a bit of fun on the dance floor at The Round Up in Dallas.

You can see me shake my thing in a short vid clip on my MYSpace page. Click the link to go there. Chris' MySpace Page

I'm glad you could stop by!

I guess you want to know more about me since you decided to enter - so here it goes...

First the typical physical statistics...

5'10", about 215 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, moderately hairy.

Unfortunately I don't think the test is available anymore, but it's an interesting site -
(note: this is for amusement only and is in no way an actual representation of someones "straightness.")

Next the brief history...

Transplanted to Los Angeles in March '99 from NYC... Moved to Dallas, TX. in Jan 2005 on more or less a leap of faith.

Originally born and raised in NYC in Greenwich Village (a true native!), and never would have imagined living anywhere else, but fate took me on a journey to the west coast, and well now to the land of Cowboys and BBQ!

I live in a nice small one bedroom apartment about 15 minutes north of downtown, and about 10 minutes away from the Gayborhood down on Cedar Springs Road.

Currently I work in Reprographics (copying & printing) at location in downtown Dallas. I also do Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design for fun and sometimes for a little extra cash... I'm more the technical kind, but I enjoy the chance to be creative once in a while creating such things as post cards, posters, banners, advertisements, and I have even made VHS video box covers for nationwide distribution. I love what I do!! I love electronics! And although I can't afford to get most of the cool things, I like keep up somewhat with what's out there.

My likes and...

I developed an enjoyment of C&W dancing living in LA. I've learned to Two-step, and Line Dance. I enjoy it a lot! If you see me out - ASK ME TO DANCE! Funny enough, I don't think they do enough of it here in Dallas. Go figure.

I also enjoy some outdoor stuff - The past several months I have been walking the Katy Trail here in Dallas - a 3.5 mile long trail that starts near SMU and ends at the American Airlines Arena. Round-trip takes me about 2 hours... less if I jog a little. I also like going to the Zoo and theme parks... Six Flags, Disneyland, Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm, Paramount's Great America, and Sea World (San Diego to swim with the Dolphins - Thank's Daren & Rick for that - I Love You Guys!!!) Looking to explore all Dallas has to offer! Been around a little downtown, to Fair Park - Love the State Fair, and to FT Worth with a friend where we went to the Water Gardens (pic below.)

That picture was taken in the "Active Pool", the same one filmed in the movie "Logan's Run" in the 70's. Take a look at the other pics below...

Theater - I don't get to the theater nearly as much as I would like but I have managed to see a few things. My favorite Les Miserables! Then we go to Phantom of the Opera (both I would gladly see again), Hairspray, Cabaret (with Teri Hatcher), Evita, Crazy For You, Aspects of Love and A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum, When Pigs Fly, RENT, and The Lion King. And on the side of plays... A Few Good Men. This is not a complete list of what I've seen... for that I'd have to pull out every Playbill that I've kept... and I've kept them all! I've even seen a few ballets... does this mean I'm cultured??

Movies - I like a lot of different movies from Sci-Fi to Drama to Comedy to Disney animation. Not much for horror, but I can get into suspense for sure. Here is a sampling... Pirates or the Carribean (all) Fantastic Four, Mr & Mrs Smith, The Incredibles, I-Robot, Finding Nemo, X-Men (all), Spiderman (all), and the not so recent... Star Wars, Switch, Mars Attacks, Heathers, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Little Shop of Horrors, Alien (all), Mary Poppins, Sneakers, Time After Time, and far too many more to possibly mention. This was to show the diversity of what I like.

Television - Let's see, my taste in television is about as diverse as my taste for movies... C.S.I (all), Criminal Minds, MONK, Pshych!, BONES, CHUCK, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Ugly Betty, How I met Your Mother, Two and a half Men, Grey's Anatomy, My Name Is Earl, Law and Order (all.) One of my favorite things to watch is Stand-up Comedy. I love commedians such as Jim Gaffigan, Dane Cook, Jeff Duhnum... I love to laugh!

Music - I like most all types of music, but I'm not a big fan of rap or Heavy Metal. My favorite type is Top 40... you know, all the popular songs at the moment, but I have grown to enjoy country music ever since I started dancing. My favorite artists range from Abba to Yaz. My collection is quite eclectic and includes music from all genres. I also love to make CD's for myself and friends. I have a great time finding music all over the place.

If you are interested, you can view the current selection of music I have on my computer. Unfortunately this does not include my entire CD & tape collection, but you will get an idea of how vast my taste in music is!

My Music List

Books - I am not an avid reader, but every now and then I find a book that captures my interest. Most of the time it falls under the category of Science Fiction/Fantasy. I also like mysteries - reading about a strong character (usually a cop or detective) taking control over situations. Sometimes I wish it was me!

Other - I also love to travel!! Though I don't get to do it nearly as much as I would like, I have been to a few great places! My favourite and my dream come true was Sydney, Australia. I have always been fascinated with the culture, animals, and architecture. So finally in 1989 I said "what the heck" and went! I spent 5 weeks and had the most incredible time of my life. I met some really incredible people, and had the pleasure of seeing most of the animals that I had only read about. I also have to say it was a bit strange for me to celebrate Christmas on the beach while getting a tan, and meeting some local kids who had never experienced snow except for on television. I would have gladly traded places with them (well maybe just for a short time *smile*). I was also fortunate to meet a very nice guy from Germany who offered me a place to stay if I was to ever visit... so eight months later I did! This time I was able to see all the history that I had only read about. Castles, Museums, and a few interesting bars. To bad the only German I knew was to say "I eat, I go, I drink, and I hear", and although with my name may be a good start... the conversation dies rather quickly. Can anyone teach me German?? I love the language!

So what else would you like to know about me?? I'm cuddly, affectionate and a pretty friendly guy. I'll answer just about any question you have.

Here are a few more pictures of me... hope you like them!

When I was living in Rowlett TX (2005) with friends... nice area, but too suburbian for me - hehe

On my trip to San Francisco - Finaly got a pic in front of the Golden Gate Bridge like I wanted - Thanks Daren!

Another fantasy of mine come true!! March 2003, A chance to swim with the dolphins at Sea World in San Diego
Thank you Daren & Rick for an incredible gift!

I Love to get E-Mail!! Pictures are always good too! (but not necessary).

I promise to respond to all E-Mail!!

© 1997 candrewnyc@hotmail.com

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In Memory: At the end of Dec 2000, I lost my best friend of 9 1/2 years Jonah, a black cat without whom my moving out to Los Angeles would have been almost unbearable. I loved him very much and miss him dearly