to the Skies of AirBoyYVR
Welcome to AirBoy's newly created web site! My goal is to make this corner of the web one of the favorite places for those who love commercial aviation as much as I do. I will be updating this page as often as time permits and I appreciate your bearing with me. For those who are not into airline lingo, YVR is a three letter designator for Vancouver International Airport in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I moved here on May 31, 1998 from Macomb, Illinois where I lived for two years while attending Western Illinois University School of Graduate Studies. Please stay tuned for my personal information along with the latest pictures. If you really want to take a look at my pictures, click here to see my photos from three years ago. Meanwhile, here are some links to the sites I visit the most. Hope you find them useful and enjoy your surfing. Thanks for stopping by!
Links to Canadian Skies
Major Canadian Carriers
Canadian Regional Carriers 
Canadian Airports
Canadian Aviation Photography 
Flight Attendants On-Line
Click here to enter!
Links 4 Wanna-B's

Ready for Take-Off?
Neat Stuff
Listen to LIVE ATC at:
MIA ORD Approach DFW
Awesome Aviation Photography
Thats about it for now. If you dont know what number
means, you might want to
take a look at "Internet for Dummies" :)! If you wish, you can email me by clicking on the icon below. You can also sign my Guestbook. Hope you've enjoyed your visit. If not, then bite me!

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