Luv in it: Transgenders by a young female's point of view
Luv In It
Transgenders from a young female's point of view

Welcome, my dears, to Luv in It: the transgender world from a young female's point of view. Yes, your host Marie is really a female who loves, lusts for, supports, and encourages all gender benders out there. Yes, you know who all you wonderful people are.

For the longest time, this site had not been working correctly because of well, my incompetence. It's better now, for all of your enjoyment. Please do bookmark this site, it has a lot of useful information and point of views as well as a promise to be updated a bit more often. Enjoy. but, of course, I must say:

This site contains material that may not be suitable for those who lack open minds and open hearts. There are no pornographic material directly on this site, yet may elude to such things.

What WILL you find when you go inside?

My, my, quite a few things! Little essays and things on such topics as teen cds, the significant others of the transgendered, my attraction to the transgendered, and so on. There is a whole incredible list of links to transgender friendly clothes suppliers... from your brunnette blonde and so on wig to the shoes on your stockinged feet... from panties to petticoats... there's a link somewhere. There's also a message board and chat room, and a place to put pen pal and personal ads. And, my dears, there is more here, and more to come... because there is love in it, and we, well, we're lovin every minute of it ::smyles::

Luv In It

contents are (c) July 1999 by Marie P unless otherwise noted.
Emails and submissions to the site are invited.
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